On Camera
I work regularly with local and national broadcast outlets around the country to share with audiences my insider perspective on everything from the hottest travel trends, burgeoning destinations, unexpected tips and unfiltered advice drawn from my years of experience in the travel industry.
Talking how to save on summer travel with the hosts of Hallmark's 'Home & Family'.
Partnering with Marriott to share tips for saving on summer travel on Good Morning America’s 'Strahan & Sarah'.
Travel expert, Jeanenne Tornatore, shares tips for navigating summer airline issues and what's new with TSA PreCheck.
Dishing on hot and emerging destinations for Spring Break 2019 on Coffee with America.
Talking affordable getaway ideas for using vacations days as the end of the year fast approaches on HLN’s Weekend Express.
Sharing how to give back and pay it forward in four popular summer vacation destinations on the TODAY Show.
Giving time and money-saving tips for travelers on CNN.
Travel over the last long weekend of summer season and tips for doing it affordably.